PS3 on iMac with hdmi>thunderbolt? : apple Will the iMac see the ps3 as if it were a regular bluray player if using a hdmi to thunderbolt cable ... ...
新款iMac(Mid 2011)依然支援Target Display Mode,作為外接螢幕使用,不過僅支援同樣搭載Thunderbolt的Mac機種。 | wa+er ... DisplayPort的舊款 Mac,或是其他HDMI輸出裝置使用。所以想買新款 iMac來接Xbox 360或是 PS3 的人,可能要稍微先停下腳步了…… ...
imac當電視及接xbox360和ps3的可行性 (第1頁) - Mac桌上型電腦 - Mobile01 w2ctaki wrote: 首先感謝你的回覆,有...(恕刪) 現在 iMac都是 thunderbolt了你應該知道吧 目前是沒有hdmi to ...
PS3 on iMac with hdmi>thunderbolt? : apple - Reddit 2013年12月29日 - Will the iMac see the ps3 as if it were a regular bluray player if using a hdmi to thunderbolt cable.
iMac 27inch Connected to Sky HD Box & Playstation 3 ... when your video coming out for how to do get ur sky and ps3 on the imac ... only works with the 2011 27 inch ...
iMac thunderbolt 駁PS3(頁1) - 蘋果國度- 電腦領域HKEPC Hardware ... knights1256 發表於2012-11-25 20:22. iMac thunderbolt 駁PS3. 大家好, 請問現在有沒有iMac thunderbolt 駁PS3 解決方法? 係native support full screen? 480, 720 ...
27-inch iMac Thunderbolt as a display for PS3/Xbox - MacRumors Forums And if viewing real-time video from a 360/PS3 on a Thunderbolt iMac or Thunderbolt ACD27", you'd only be able to view it in a small postage ...
Use 2012 thunderbolt iMac as monitor for PS3? - Ars Technica OpenForum I was looking into getting a PS3 for my office, but wanted to try and use my 27" iMac as a monitor so I don't have to get another one (because ...
Can I? PS3 to Thunderbolt iMac 27" - MacTalk Title says it all really, just bought the 27" iMac and realised it doesn't have a mini display port anymore :-( Is there a way now to plug my ps3.